5 Reasons why Boys Keep Doing "Yahoo" (Internet Fraud)
It is said that finding the cause of a problem is the first step towards solving it. Fraud has been a problem for many years, but internet fraud or yahoo as it is commonly known has been the mainstay of fraudulent activities recently. This is due to the introduction of the internet and its accompanying means of online communication. But why do young men enjoy involvement in such an act of stealing and insolence?
Let us consider five possible reasons why this is so, with a view to curbing its spread. Take note that this article is not intended to promote fraud, and although it was prepared with boys in mind, ideas presented applies with equal force to both gender. The factors considered as major drivers of the act of internet fraud cannot be easily dismissed. Their recalcitrant nature is the reason the word "cannot" found its way into the headline.
1. Fighting racism.
The murder of George Floyd in the United States recently shed light on how deep racism has dug into the fabric of society. A host of young men angered by such news as well as other documented cases becomes vindictive. They thus vent their anger on innocent citizens of western nations by defrauding them. Do you consider fraud as a credible means of retribution? This is a question that no “yahoo boy”, as internet fraudsters are commonly called do not want to consider.
2. Slave trade.
The transatlantic slave trade that lasted for more than a century leaves in its wake, hatred, strife, feelings of anger and execration. History shows white men humiliate the coloured race to the point of objectifying them. Such memory in the minds of young black men fans the flame of hate and stimulates in them a desire to strike back. This they do by defiantly defrauding ignorant and innocent white men and women.
3. Frustration.
Africans are generally hardworking people. Whether this is as a result of primitive civilization is debatable. However, in their hard wmork they yearn to see result and adequate compensation. When a young man graduates with a good grade and does not secure a well-paid job, he becomes frustrated. His frustration may be the fuel needed to drive the engine of fraudulent manipulations.
4. Poverty.
According to the Merriam Webster's dictionary, poverty is "the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions". You would agree that many in underdeveloped and developing nations of the world are in poverty. Sheer desperation to escape poverty has made some young boys venture into cybercrime.
5. Pressure from peers and others.
Every normal human desires to show love and be loved. We want to be accepted into society as approved individuals. Therefore our reputation becomes an item of value worthy of protection. In the poor communities, it is common to highly value young rich boys and to consider other less fortunate chaps as lazy. Well-meaning individuals like parents may unwittingly encourage fraud by singing the praise of known fraudsters. Imagine the desperation that will be built in a young man when his mother compares his meager but honest income with the illegitimate wealth of a fraudster. To be accepted by peers and other members of the society as successful, many boys have ventured into "yahoo". Until musicians, sportsmen and the society as a whole disapprove the actions of "yahoo boys" not only expressly but impliedly, this ugly vice will continue.
As an educated and enlightened individual, which of the above do you consider a justifiable reason to engage in fraud? What other reasons do people engage in fraud? Do you think that internet fraud or "yahoo" will ever end? If you were a president, governor, community ruler or family head, what would you do about internet fraud? If you have an intelligent answer to any of the questions above, let us learn from your comments. Do not forget to share for others to benefit.
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